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13 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Your Body

13 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Your Body

The human body is a weird and wonderful thing. 

Here are 13 stunningly interesting facts about your body that are deeply impressive. Did you know about all these? 

  • Every person has a unique tongue print just like our fingers!
  • Puberty reshapes the brain. Hormones like testosterone actually influence the development of neurons in the brain, and the changes made to brain structure have many behavioral consequences. Expect emotional awkwardness, apathy and poor decision-making skills as regions in the frontal cortex mature.
  • Laughter is therapeutic. Watching a funny video for even 15 minutes can increase your blood flow. 
  • The number of bacteria in a person’s body is more than the number of people living on Earth.
  • Sex cures headaches. Endorphins released into our bloodstream when we have sex not only give us pleasure but also act as painkillers.If you need to get some kind of injection when visiting the doctor and you don’t want to feel the pinch from the needle, just cough a little and it will decrease even this little bit of pain. This is because coughing decreases pain signals to the brain which, in turn, causes you to feel less of it.
  • Have you ever heard someone claim that they can tell when it’s going to rain when their knee act up? Turns out, there may actually be some truth behind it! Whenever it rains or snows, the air pressure drops, and this change can cause your joints to swell. 
  • Did you know that your internal organs can move? Your insides have the ability to shift due to external movement. You know that strange feeling when riding a roller coaster? That tingling sensation that can sometimes make you vomit comes from your insides shifting inside you. The good news is that although it sounds and feels uncomfortable, it’s completely harmless.
  • Your eyes can distinguish between 2.3 and 7.5 million different colors.
  • Your heart beats 100,000 times per day, pumping 5.5 liters per minute, which adds up to about 3 million liters of blood a year.
  • The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea of the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.
  • According to research, our eyes dilate when we look at someone that we love. This tell-tale sign is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system and happens when we look at anything that is aesthetically pleasing to us, too. If you have a secret crush and don’t want to give anything away, stay in a dim environment, where your eyes will already be dilated!