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Do Exercise To Keep You Fit and Healthy

Do Exercise To Keep You Fit and Healthy

Doing exercises and playing sports could help to overcome some health problems such as cardiac and coronary diseases, diabetes, blood pressure issues and cancer. It also prevents excess weight gain and helps us to have an athletic body.

Walk at least 10.000 Steps a Day

  • Get a pedometer or simply download a proper application on your phone in order to count your steps you walk daily. If you have a sedentary occupation, you need to work harder than those who have active jobs to get enough exercise and find time for it.
  • Get off the bus one stop earlier every morning
  • Take the stairs instead of the lift.
  • Park your car as far away as possible from your destination to encourage walking.
  • When you need to speak with one of your colleagues, prefer having a traditional face to face conversation rather than those through internet or phone. This helps you get up from your chair.
  • Do leg lifts while watching TV.



In short, don’t be a stagnant. If you are open and creative, you can incorporate exercise into almost every aspects of your daily routine.


How much exercise do you really need?


You should walk at least 10.000 paces every day. In addition to that, you should aim to get 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical exercise five times per week or an aerobic exercise three times per week. As long as your heart rate increases, it doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you are doing. Choose a form of exercise that you would enjoy and create an active challenge for yourself every day. Try to get up early and give a start to your challenge. Set yourself some targets like improving your splits or joining group runs to make your leisure time more active and maintain your level of motivation.


Are you doing enough exercise?


If doing exercises is as easy as you say, it means you are not pushing yourself enough. If you are always out of breath, it means you are pushing yourself too hard. There is always a right place between these two poles. In the beginning, you might think that you are pushing yourself hard enough by just walking briskly. But as you become fitter, you will need to increase your level of exercise. Use a heart rate monitor or application and aim for a maximum heart rate increase of 75-85% during exercise.